Category: Gifting

Tattva X VILASA Holiday Gift Boxes

Let’s Give a Personal Touch to Holiday Gifting This Year

Have a holly jolly Christmas! While we all love to spread Christmas cheers all around us, one thing that cannot be missed along with indulging in the Christmas merriment is gifting. Whenever the holiday season arrives, we all get busier in finding that perfect gift that will bring a smile to the faces of our...

December 20, 2022December 20, 2022by In Gifting
tattva spa gift card

When you want an exclusive Gift I Gift a Spa

The days of gifting an expensive wine bottle or a perfume that the receiver might not like are passe. The latest trend in gifting that is here to stay is Gifting an experience. Experiences that are meaningful and communicate your love & care for the recipient. This is where gifting a Tattva Spa Gift card...

September 22, 2022September 22, 2022by In Gifting
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