Tag: monthly spa membership

Tattva Pass Membership

A Sibling Voyage of Serenity and Calmness: The Experience of Rishi and His Sister at Tattva Spa

Rishi and his sister Ananya had always been close. In a large household, they always found themselves amid steaming cups of chai and long walks in the park to spend time together. But as grown-ups, their busy schedule started taking away from this sibling ritual. It was here that they found Tattva Spa Membership, rejuvenating...

Tranquillity Membership

How Tanisha Introduced Her Friend to a World of Relaxation with a Tattva Spa Membership

When Tanisha’s best friend, Meera, moved to the same city after years of living apart, it was a dream come true. They had spent years navigating long-distance friendship, relying on late-night video calls and occasional visits to stay connected. Now that they were finally in the same city, Tanisha was determined to ensure that Meera...

Simpli spa membership

Finding Relaxation: Tarandeep’s journey to Tattva Spa membership.

Today, our world has picked up speed, leaving room only for work deadlines, family commitments, and household chores. Thus, Tarandeep, a marketing professional of 32, remained just like everyone else: with work deadlines constantly eating into his time and hours behind the desk and the never-ending pressures of meeting deadlines had drained the energy out...

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Complimentary 30 min upgrade to 90 min*

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