Introduction Grishma ritu, also known as the summer season, is the hottest period that falls from May through July. As per Ayurveda, Grishma ritu is one of the six ritus (seasons) and the last season of the Aadaan kaal– the time of the year when the sun is in the northward position of the earth....
Category: Blog
What Is The Best Time For A Massage
Receiving a great massage is the most rewarding thing one can have. A fulfilling massage can change your mood and keep you at peace after a long day of work or a sedentary day when you need to get ready to charge up. However, there might be confusion about the best time to receive a...
Ancient selfcare practices inherited from our ancestors
Maalish or a massage has always been known as a traditional form of healing. With the use of natural oils infused with pain relieving ingredients, a massage therapy is believed to rejuvenate your physiological system. With the right amount of pressure at the right touch points, a massage therapy accelerates self-healing and release the stress...
Do you know, just like your face, the skin on other body parts also comes in contact with several daily irritants due to environmental conditions and lifestyle? Your body’s skin gets exposed to free radicals and pollutants, along with UV exposure. So, your body needs the same attention and care as your face. It needs...
The Summer Solstice tells us to focus on our wellbeing with detoxification
For the longest time, our understanding of the Summer Solstice (and Winter Solstice too) had been limited to the basic astronomical phenomenon. Simply speaking, on June 21st, the Sun travels the longest path through the sky, and that day therefore has the most daylight – Summer solstice. The importance of these key annual events for...