Category: Blog


Massage myths out of order

  In earlier times massage was associated with medicinal activities to cure the muscles. But in today’s time having a massage is seen as a luxury. With Ayurveda’s deep knowledge we are successful in continuing the legacy. There are many internal as well as external wounds that a massage can heal. There are many misconceptions...


Is your skin healthy?

  ‘How you feel is what you reflect.’ We have heard this statement many times. But never paid attention to the insight it gives us. It is difficult to stay positive in these times where you are restricted to go out, and are always surrounded by negative news. This can be seen on your face....

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How mindful can you be?

  In our fast moving lives it is important to be very concerned about what your lifestyle includes. Does it give you enough time for yourself, and how does it pamper your physical being? Being a person who is more mindful towards their thoughts and emotions in a way makes you more aware of yourself....

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