Category: Wellness

Eat a Pitta-Pacifying Diet

9 Ayurvedic Tips for Optimal Health During Sharad Ritu

As summer’s warmth gently fades and autumn’s crisp embrace takes over, we find ourselves entering Sharad Ritu—a season of renewal and balance in Ayurveda. This time of year, stretching from 22-September to 21-December invites us to hit the reset button and refresh both body and mind. The weather turns pleasantly mild, making it the perfect...

10 Ways to Craft Your Perfect At-Home Wellness Routine

10 Ways to Craft Your Perfect At-Home Wellness Routine

When we think of “wellness,” it often feels like something reserved for characters in movies or influencers on social media, living lives that seem unattainable. But times are changing, and now everyone, from kids to adults, is eager to establish their own wellness routines. Yet, despite their enthusiasm, many find themselves struggling to maintain consistency,...

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