What is the recommended advance booking time for spa appointments at Tattva Spa in Bangalore, especially during peak seasons, and is there a cancellation policy that guests should be aware of?

The recommended advance booking time for spa appointments at Tattva Spa in Bangalore can vary depending on the season, day of the week, and the specific services you are looking to book. However, it’s generally a good practice to book your spa appointments in advance to secure your preferred date and time.


During peak seasons, weekends, and holidays, it’s advisable to make your spa reservations well in advance, typically a week or more, to ensure availability. For regular weekdays and non-peak times, booking a few days in advance may suffice. Keep in mind that popular time slots, such as late afternoons and evenings, tend to fill up faster, so booking early is beneficial.


As for the cancellation policy, it’s important for guests to be aware of this to avoid any potential fees or charges. Many spas, including Tattva Spa, have a cancellation policy that typically includes the following:


Guests are often required to provide a minimum notice period for cancellations, which can range from 24 to 48 hours before the appointment time.


Cancellations made within this notice period may result in a cancellation fee, typically a percentage of the treatment cost or a set fee.


No-shows, where guests fail to arrive for their scheduled appointment without prior notice, may also result in a charge for the full service cost.


To avoid any inconvenience or additional charges, it’s essential to understand and adhere to Tattva Spa’s specific cancellation policy. You can find this information on their official website or inquire about it when making your appointment. Being aware of the cancellation policy ensures a smooth and stress-free spa experience.

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