How To Do Pedicure At Home? Simple Tips


Pedicures are great for relaxation but sometimes they can be too heavy on the pocket. A pedicure roughly costs around 400-1000 bucks depending upon the kind and the place that is chosen. And sometimes, one pedicure a month is not enough. So when, your feet can’t get enough of the pampering and you are short on time and budget, a home pedicure is what you go for. We will tell you how and then maybe you can do it yourself or lure your best friend into giving you a relaxing foot massage. Pedicures take care of dry dead skin and make you feel relaxed. Our feet are most prone to tanning and dryness and pedicures help rejuvenate them.
These are the things that you will need for a home pedicure

  1. 1. A Tub with lukewarm water
  2. 2. A soft towel
  3. 3. Lots of shampoo (Use those waste sachets that you get as samples)
  4. 4. Lotion
  5. 5. Nail Cutter
  6. 6. Nail Paint
  7. 7. A Foot Pubic stone
  8. 8. A fancy Foot scrub (Optional)

To start with, put loads of hot water in a tub, the warmer it is the better but make sure you don’t burn yourself. This will take care of the dead skin for you. Put loads of shampoo in the water and mix it, for one pedicure 2 or 3 sachets of shampoo should be enough. Dip your feet in water and sit back. Workaholics can continue typing away at their computer furiously and others can read – How to relax your body after a long week. Make sure you have soaked your feet for at least 20 minutes for a full effect. The water should be slightly above your ankles. Once you are done soaking your feet in the warm water, take a towel and clean your feet. Clean between your fingers and rub the dead skin off. After this, Take the foot stone and start scrubbing your feet to get out the remains of dead skin. If you are feeling luxurious, you can also use a good foot scrub, a number of which are available in the market. Use the foot scrub after you have cleaned your foot with the towel. After you are done with this, apply the moisturizer generously. Moisturizing your feet after scrubbing is very important. Now that your feel fresh, you can clean off the remains of the last nail paint and apply a fresh coat of nail paint. With this your feet are happy and looking pretty at that.
A good pedicure does go a long way in relaxing not only your feet but your whole body and with these tips you can do a pedicure at home and almost for free.

Want a happy feet, read more on how to keep ‘happy feet’ in summers?

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