6 Home remedies which will help you get rid of rashes in summer


While the summers are a great time to enjoy yourself with outdoor activities, your skin takes a toll with the excess sun exposure. The skin pores get blocked with sweat and rashes start appearing.

With these 6 home remedies, you can beat the summer rashes in a jiffy:

1. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal Summer Bath

Fill a cup with oatmeal and put it in a thin cloth pouch. Hang the pouch on the corner of your bathtub so that all the goodness of the oatmeal oozes out into the bathtub. The water will soothe your itchy rashes and make them go away in a matter of days.

2. Fuller’s Earth

 Fuller’s earth has many medicinal properties which help the texture of your skin become baby soft by reducing any inflammation and irritation.

Benefit Of Fuller's Earth

Put a tablespoon of fuller’s earth in a bowl and add a few drops of rose water to it so as to make a paste and apply to your rashes. Wash off with lukewarm water when the paste dries off.

3. Sandalwood Powder

Light Your Skin Using Sandalwood Powder

The soothing and curing properties of sandalwood powder lighten your skin and prevent skin eruptions from occurring. To get the best results, mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder with coconut water and use a brush to apply it on your rash at least once in a week.

4. Cool Compress

Quick Relief Using Cool Compress

If you consistently feel a prickly sensation on your skin due to the rashes and do not any of the home remedies we have mentioned here, cold compress would give you quick relief. Also, when you are bathing in a hot, humid weather, try to take your bath with cold water as often as possible.

5. Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the greatest exfoliating agents which are available naturally and is one of the easiest solutions against rash. You just have to soak a cloth in water mixed with baking soda and you will find relief from itch and pain as soon as you put it on your skin.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Remove Skin Rashes Using Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel not only has antiseptic and antibacterial properties but also functions as a hydrating agent for skin suffering from rashes. Just tear of a small branch from an Aloe Vera plant, squeeze out all the gel you can and apply directly to the affected skin once or twice a day.

Gear up for the summer already because these home remedies ensure that you never have to suffer from rashes ever again!

Want a perfect skin, read 6 ways in which you can get picture perfect skin in a month here

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