6 trends in spa treatments every girl should try out in 2019


As with everything where you are required to spend money, it is better to stay updated on the latest spa treatments in 2019. Read on as we are going to help you figure it out:

1. Detox Vacations

Healthy Drink To Detox | Tattva Spa

The world has moved on from those days when you had to eat just small portions of food and starve yourself to get a fit and healthy body. Now you can go on a detox vacation by drinking healthy, fruit juices and nutritious food, which brings us to the next trend…

2. Nutritional advice

Nutritional Advice | Tattva Spa

Spas were earlier meant to provide temporary solutions to your wellness problems but now people can afford to spend the time and money required for permanent fixes. Thus, spas have started giving nutritional advice to the customers who want to eat healthy, loss excess weight and live a more energized life.

3. Personalized Massages

Personalized Massages | Tattva Spa

Massages have always been one of the most popular spa services but nowadays, well informed clients want to customize the massages they receive in accordance to their personal health and lifestyle needs. Someone might want to make the arthritis pain recede while another might want to heal muscle injury, in each case; the type of massage would be different.

4. Tai Chi

Tai Chi Meditation | Tattva Spa

Spa brands are always looking for ways to instill a sense of wellness beyond the massage table or the yoga mat and in 2019; the best ways to do that are going to be meditation and tai chi classes which use virtual reality technology to inculcate a harmony between body and mind.

5. No Smoking retreat

No Smoking Retreat | Tattva Spa

 How many times have you tried quitting smoking but due to work related pressure and stress, you never got around to doing it? Book yourself a trip to a no smoking facility which would help you build healthy habits and how to avoid the triggers to smoking so that they don’t get the best of you.

6. Wellness for family

Wellness For Family | Tattva Spa

You can enjoy some quality bonding time with our whole family at certain facilities which take care of all your wellness needs, starting from your head to toe. Spa services are available for both the aged and the children in your family so that no one feels left out.

While spa treatments might be a little on the costlier side, the above trends ensure that you get the best of everything in 2019.

Make a reservation for wellness retreats with the nearest Tattva Spa center.

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