Is your skin healthy?



‘How you feel is what you reflect.’ We have heard this statement many times. But never paid attention to the insight it gives us. It is difficult to stay positive in these times where you are restricted to go out, and are always surrounded by negative news. This can be seen on your face.

When we say ‘Follow these easy steps for bright skin’ we do not mean a fairer skin. The colour is not important, health is. The major component of a healthy skin is the natural glow you radiate from within.

There are many habits that affect our skin over the time; we often don’t realize how our urban lifestyle is stealing the charm from your skin:

  • Dehydration– we take our body’s hydrating capacity for granted. Intake of fewer liquids, especially in India’s summer season actively encourages the body to several problems, one of them being unhealthy skin.
  • Poor diet– with our uncertain lifestyle, our body tries to adapt to the changes but it has its own limitations.
  • Sleep deprivation– Late night binging on Netflix and negative thoughts are taking over our sleep cycle, resulting in dark circles, not-so-fresh skin and open pores
  • Stress – We understand that uncertainty of our jobs, and most importantly our lives is constantly ticking in our minds, giving stress to our mind, affecting our body, and reflecting in our skin.
  • Environment – This factor is certainly not something you can take control of, but you can practice a DIY routine to avoid a larger effect on your skin. In a dry weather like summers our skin loses its charm by extracting natural moisture of the skin.

How to cure dull skin?

Dull skin is mainly the lack of radiance or an uneven tone. You might feel your skin is way too tight sometimes or have open pores. This is all due to your negligence towards it. A couple of small changes in your routine habits can make a big difference to your skin. Let’s get you your luminous glow back by following below steps:

  • Drink lots of liquids, preferably water, one glass every hour.
  • Be mindful of what you’re eating. Add more vegetables to your meal to increase the intake of skin loving nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Binge on fruits that are naturally rich in nutrients instead of cookies and cupcakes. For a healthy start to your day explore smoothies with seasoned fruits.
  • Get your beauty sleep in place. We understand how stress has taken over your mind and sleep. Best way to relax your mind before you go to sleep is practice Yoga Nidra. You can view Tattva Spa’s guide to a healthy sleep and waking up fresh.
  • Know what’s best for your skin. Use rose water or face wash to regularly wash your face. Remember not to overuse these products. You can also go all-natural by applying aloe-vera, raw potato, raw tomato and other organic elements.

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